Learn More About The Greene County Historical Society
Our Mission
"The purpose of the GCHS and Museum is to promote an appreciation of Greene County history through the preservation and interpretation of local artifacts and stories in order to educate the public and future generations through a narrative of the rich heritage of Greene County and its surrounding area.”
Board of Directors
President: Marie Leichliter-Krause
Vice President: Machal Forbes
Secretary: Kenneth Knouse
Treasurer: Grace Zablosky
Rich Baker
Philip Hook
Jeff Widdup
Pat Fitch
Rea Redd
Executive Director
Matthew W. Cumberledge

The Greene County Historical Society...
In 1923, Waynesburg College professor Andrew Jackson Waychoff petitioned the people of Greene County to develop a Historical Society. The John Corbly Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution officially passed a resolution to support the formation of a society. The formation was delayed however due to a fundraiser by the college in 1924 and the idea was put on hold...
On September 19th 1925, J. W. Ray, the President Judge of Greene County decreed a certificate of incorporation for the Greene County Historical Society and at last, Professor Waychoff’s dream became a reality. The original mission of the Greene County Historical Society was "collecting and preserving books, papers, records, writings and relics, legal, civil, military and otherwise, relating to the history of Greene County, Pennsylvania and adjacent counties." On October 5th 1925, the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania accepted the name of "Greene County Historical Society" and was awarded an official Certificate of Incorporation on November 15th 1925.
At first, the Greene County Historical Society was housed in one room in the basement of the then recently built Long Building. As the collections grew, the Historical Society purchased an adjoining room in 1956 to use as a library and board room and even stored some artifacts and archives at board member homes... It soon became apparent that the Greene County Historical Society needed a permanent home.
Levi Funk, a member of the first board, donated a lot for the building of a proper home for the Historical Society. But due to complications and funding, the site was sold and the money saved for the purchase of a future site. In 1969, the Greene County Home was condemned and deemed unfit as a home for the indigent... The members of the Board of the Greene County Historical Society saw this as the long awaited opportunity to secure a location for the historical society.
County commissioners, Herman Guglietta, Harold Russell, and Stanley Smith supported the idea of finding a site for the Historical Society and offer an annual lease for $1.00 for fifty years and renewable at the same rate after the first fifty years. The Greene County Historical Society had finally found a residence but it was in great need of repair and restoration... In November of 1970, the Society opened the library which was the former boiler house and in June of 1971, the museum was opened to the public.
Since its incorporation in 1925, The Greene County Historical Society has strived to fulfill its mission to collect, preserve and interpret the history of Greene County. GCHS has achieved its mission when, in 1971, it found a permanent home at the former Greene Hills Poor Farm... Now, GCHS maintains a 52 room museum with over a thousand artifacts that represent all aspects of Greene County and surrounding areas history and culture.
Meet our Director

Matthew W. Cumberledge Executive Director, Greene County Historical Society/Museum
Matthew W. Cumberledge is an avid local historian and researcher who has spent his life studying Greene County and the Upper Ohio Valley Region.
A lifelong resident of Greene County Pennsylvania, and graduate of Waynesburg Central High School, he spent his early years working as a Draftsman for the County of Greene Tax Assessment Office and Later as a Master Draftsman for Developed Structures Incorporated, both in Waynesburg Pennsylvania. In 2003, he enlisted in the United States Army, as an Infantryman, and served two full tours of Iraq. After his experience in the Military, Matthew worked as a Corrections Officer for the Pennsylvania Department of Corrections, and served as Vice President of the Pennsylvania State Corrections Officer Association, Local, SCI Fayette. All the while, in his free time, Matthew worked with State and Local Agencies to preserve historical sites throughout the Monongahela Valley.
In late 2018, Matthew parted with the DOC to pursue his lifelong love of history, to be named the Executive Director of the Greene County Historical Society and Museum. Currently, Matthew is working on cataloging and recording the Native American Artifacts housed at the Greene County Historical Society from digs throughout Greene County with the assistance of Travis D. Elliott.
In his free time, Matthew enjoys hunting, researching, locating, and recording local Historic and Prehistoric Sites, and travelling the greater Ohio Valley area studying the Adena and Hopewell Cultures and their associated earthworks. He is also an avid Civil War Reenactor with the 31st Virginia out of Philippi WV. In addition to being Executive Director of the Greene County Historical Society, he also serves on the board of Directors for the Cornerstone Genealogical Society in Waynesburg Pennsylvania and plays an active role in the Mon-Yough Chapter of the Society for Pennsylvania Archaeology.